Atlantic Sun Airways :: FSPassengers Statistics |
These flights were made by Atlantic Sun Airways pilots using FSPassengers. Click on the flight ID to show its details. If you wish to file your flight reports with FSP, please visit the FSP section on our forums. To download the config-file, click here.
Flight# | Date | Pilot | From | To | Pax | Time | Result |
ASV9913 | 2007-07-11 | T W Bush | WA09 | KBFI | 2 | 00:39:03 | Perfect |
ASV9912 | 2007-07-11 | T W Bush | KMWH | WA09 | 2 | 01:52:48 | Perfect |
ASV9911 | 2007-07-11 | T W Bush | KPWT | KMWH | 2 | 01:13:53 | Perfect |
ASV9910 | 2007-07-11 | T W Bush | KORS | KPWT | 2 | 00:42:48 | Perfect |
ASV9909 | 2007-07-11 | T W Bush | KBFI | KORS | 2 | 00:41:32 | Perfect |
ASV2858 | 2007-07-11 | Brandon M Petersen | KMCO | KSAT | 114 | 02:34:36 | Perfect |
ASV2664 | 2007-07-11 | Brandon M Petersen | KORF | KMCO | 106 | 01:33:44 | Perfect |
ASV2663 | 2007-06-14 | Brandon M Petersen | KORF | KORF | 106 | 00:17:14 | Perfect |
ASV9945 | 2007-07-11 | Scott Bolster | KBFI | KPDX | 6 | 00:50:40 | Perfect |
ASV1230 | 2007-07-12 | Mark de Vries | EHAM | EDDS | 8 | 01:09:19 | Horrible |
ASV9920 | 2007-07-11 | Miguel Zavala | KALW | KKLS | 4 | 01:42:50 | Perfect |
ASV3151 | 2007-07-11 | David Nash | MROC | KMCO | 100 | 03:06:53 | Good |
ASV2794 | 2007-07-11 | Terry Phelps | KMCO | MMMX | 124 | 03:35:28 | Perfect |
ASV1464 | 2007-07-11 | Mike McNulty | MMUN | KMCO | 124 | 01:35:22 | Perfect |
ASV9944 | 2007-07-10 | Scott Bolster | KBOI | KBFI | 6 | 01:31:47 | Very Bad |
ASV2611 | 2007-07-11 | Matthew Tanger | KEWR | KRDU | 27 | 01:32:51 | Perfect |
ASV3190 | 2007-07-11 | Christian Fuchs | KSEA | KLAS | 100 | 02:38:51 | Perfect |
ASV1366 | 2007-07-11 | Terry Phelps | KBTR | KMCO | 37 | 02:05:41 | Perfect |
ASV1966 | 2007-07-10 | Bor Glavic | CYHZ | KEWR | 44 | 02:04:04 | Poor |
ASV2246V | 2007-07-11 | Keith Bartholomew | KLAX | KSFO | 106 | 01:03:05 | Perfect |
ASV9919 | 2007-07-11 | Miguel Zavala | KBFI | KALW | 4 | 01:32:46 | Perfect |
ASV1867 | 2007-07-11 | Scott Jones | EIDW | KEWR | 179 | 07:03:29 | Perfect |
ASV9918 | 2007-07-11 | Miguel Zavala | KPAE | KBFI | 4 | 00:18:20 | Perfect |
ASV1659 | 2007-07-10 | Mike McNulty | KDEN | MMUN | 124 | 03:52:45 | Perfect |
ASV3279 | 2007-07-10 | Jay Kae | YSSY | OMDB | 532 | 15:32:37 | Good |
ASV3090V | 2007-07-10 | Keith Bartholomew | KSLC | KLAX | 96 | 01:32:07 | Horrible |
ASV2235 | 2007-07-08 | Cliff Hubbard | KLAX | NTAR | 84 | 08:53:10 | Perfect |
ASV1274 | 2007-07-10 | Christian Fuchs | PANC | KSEA | 148 | 03:29:05 | Perfect |
ASV2535 | 2007-07-10 | Bor Glavic | KEWR | CYHZ | 48 | 01:50:45 | Perfect |
ASV3023 | 2007-07-10 | Bor Glavic | KROC | KEWR | 62 | 01:32:18 | Perfect |
ASV2966V | 2007-07-10 | Keith Bartholomew | KPHX | KSLC | 100 | 01:28:05 | Perfect |
ASV9943 | 2007-07-09 | Scott Bolster | CYVR | KBOI | 6 | 01:46:48 | Very poor |
ASV2473 | 2007-07-10 | Mike McNulty | KEWR | KATL | 124 | 02:04:26 | Perfect |
ASV1776 | 2007-07-10 | Keith Bartholomew | KDEN | KPHX | 107 | 01:33:01 | Perfect |
ASV2473 | 2007-07-10 | Mike McNulty | KEWR | KEWR | 124 | 00:27:05 | Perfect |
ASV2120 | 2007-07-10 | Mike McNulty | KLAS | KEWR | 160 | 04:26:25 | Good |
ASV9908 | 2007-07-09 | T W Bush | KALW | KBFI | 2 | 01:54:47 | Perfect |
ASV9907 | 2007-07-09 | T W Bush | KMWH | KALW | 2 | 00:56:12 | Perfect |
ASV9906 | 2007-07-09 | T W Bush | KHIO | KMWH | 2 | 01:25:56 | Perfect |
ASV9905 | 2007-07-09 | T W Bush | KBFI | KHIO | 2 | 01:12:50 | Perfect |
ASV9904 | 2007-07-08 | T W Bush | KKLS | KBFI | 2 | 01:04:38 | Perfect |
ASV1501 | 2007-07-09 | Jason Brown | KORD | KDFW | 108 | 01:58:26 | Perfect |
ASV2673 | 2007-07-09 | Jason Brown | KOKC | KORD | 95 | 01:41:19 | Perfect |
ASV1760 | 2007-07-08 | Jason Brown | KDEN | KOKC | 105 | 01:11:24 | Very poor |
ASV1861 | 2007-07-09 | Jay Kae | OMDB | YSSY | 531 | 12:54:14 | Perfect |
ASV9942 | 2007-07-08 | Scott Bolster | KPDX | CYVR | 6 | 01:10:01 | Perfect |
ASV9941 | 2007-07-07 | Scott Bolster | KALW | KPDX | 4 | 00:57:52 | Average |
ASV2567 | 2007-07-09 | Michael Robitaille | KEWR | KMVY | 56 | 01:07:14 | Perfect |
ASV2291 | 2007-07-08 | Michael Robitaille | KMHT | KEWR | 54 | 01:10:11 | Perfect |
ASV2565 | 2007-07-08 | Michael Robitaille | KEWR | KMHT | 56 | 02:01:30 | Good |
Top 10 pilots (pax) | Top 10 pilots (hours) | ||
Cliff Hubbard | 1096525 | Cliff Hubbard | 22165.4 |
Dinko Avramov | 529357 | Dinko Avramov | 10249.3 |
Jay Kae | 375711 | Jay Kae | 10084.1 |
David Ferguson | 218709 | David Ferguson | 7487.1 |
Florian Meiler | 202434 | Florian Meiler | 7389.4 |
Richard Baker | 191218 | Kruger Coetzee | 4901.3 |
Robert Douglas | 162463 | Richard Baker | 4891.4 |
Kruger Coetzee | 143181 | Robert Douglas | 3304.3 |
Sean Jones | 96623 | Steve Foulke | 3177.8 |
Steve Foulke | 93466 | Scott Clifford | 2407 |
Top 10 pilots of the month (pax) | Top 10 pilots of the month (hours) | ||
Florian Meiler | 251 | Florian Meiler | 10.3 |
Dinko Avramov | 529357 | Dinko Avramov | 10249.3 |
Jay Kae | 375711 | Jay Kae | 10084.1 |
David Ferguson | 218709 | David Ferguson | 7487.1 |
Florian Meiler | 202434 | Florian Meiler | 7389.4 |
Richard Baker | 191218 | Kruger Coetzee | 4901.3 |
Robert Douglas | 162463 | Richard Baker | 4891.4 |
Kruger Coetzee | 143181 | Robert Douglas | 3304.3 |
Sean Jones | 96623 | Steve Foulke | 3177.8 |
Steve Foulke | 93466 | Scott Clifford | 2407 |