Atlantic Sun Airways :: FSPassengers Statistics |
These flights were made by Atlantic Sun Airways pilots using FSPassengers. Click on the flight ID to show its details. If you wish to file your flight reports with FSP, please visit the FSP section on our forums. To download the config-file, click here.
Flight# | Date | Pilot | From | To | Pax | Time | Result |
ASV1463 | 2010-09-29 | Mega Irena | YPPH | WSSS | 203 | 05:04:30 | Perfect |
ASV3714 | 2010-09-29 | G-Froid | EGGD | LFPG | 38 | 01:43:47 | Perfect |
ASV3712 | 2010-09-28 | G-Froid | EHAM | EGGD | 36 | 01:09:34 | Average |
ASV3171 | 2010-09-28 | Patrick Duff | KSMF | KDEN | 60 | 02:25:15 | Perfect |
ASV1465 | 2010-09-28 | Mega Irena | YSSY | YPPH | 203 | 05:04:05 | Perfect |
ASV2566 | 2010-09-28 | Mega Irena | YPDN | YSSY | 119 | 03:56:13 | Perfect |
ASV1916 | 2010-09-28 | Mega Irena | YPPH | YPDN | 119 | 03:27:11 | Perfect |
ASV1299 | 2010-09-28 | Richard Baker | TJSJ | SBBE | 309 | 03:24:27 | Perfect |
ASV2151V | 2010-09-28 | Scott Clifford MCO0726 | KBOS | KMCO | 88 | 02:55:52 | Good |
ASV3173 | 2010-09-27 | Patrick Duff | KLAX | KSMF | 60 | 01:16:04 | Perfect |
ASV1001 | 2010-09-27 | Cliff Hubbard | EHAM | KDEN | 498 | 09:20:21 | Perfect |
ASV1985 | 2010-09-27 | Mega Irena | WIII | YPPH | 203 | 04:16:03 | Perfect |
ASV2455 | 2010-09-27 | Mega Irena | VHHH | WIII | 203 | 04:36:46 | Perfect |
ASV1142 | 2010-09-27 | Mega Irena | WSSS | VHHH | 203 | 03:34:16 | Perfect |
ASV1341 | 2010-09-26 | Patrick Johnson | KORD | KDEN | 139 | 02:21:27 | Perfect |
ASV3726 | 2010-09-26 | Jay Soaf | EDDF | EPKK | 42 | 01:44:12 | Perfect |
ASV1845 | 2010-09-26 | Cliff Hubbard | LBPD | EHAM | 183 | 02:47:40 | Perfect |
ASV3729 | 2010-09-26 | Jay Soaf | EDDT | EDDF | 40 | 01:04:16 | Perfect |
ASV1844 | 2010-09-26 | Cliff Hubbard | EHAM | LBPD | 200 | 02:58:56 | Very poor |
ASV3194 | 2010-09-26 | Aleksandar Nikolic | KCVG | KEWR | 60 | 01:26:29 | Perfect |
ASV2128 | 2010-09-26 | Christopher Wren | KDEN | KSLC | 96 | 01:26:15 | Average |
ASV3104 | 2010-09-26 | Aleksandar Nikolic | KDEN | KCVG | 64 | 02:46:36 | Very poor |
ASV1174 | 2010-09-26 | Richard Baker | KMIA | TJSJ | 273 | 02:27:18 | Perfect |
ASV5488 | 2010-09-25 | Robert Douglas | KEWR | KBTV | 118 | 00:58:02 | Perfect |
ASV3167 | 2010-09-26 | Aleksandar Nikolic | KSAN | KDEN | 60 | 02:08:13 | Perfect |
ASV2441 | 2010-09-24 | Mega Irena | YPDN | WSSS | 119 | 04:40:20 | Perfect |
ASV4974 | 2010-09-26 | Lurch Adams | KBOS | CYHZ | 0 | 01:40:05 | Perfect |
ASV2441 | 2010-09-24 | Mega Irena | YPDN | WSSS | 119 | 04:40:20 | Perfect |
ASV5462 | 2010-09-26 | Daniel Woltemath | LGTS | UUEE | 145 | 02:51:50 | Perfect |
ASV3182 | 2010-09-26 | Patrick Duff | KTUS | KLAX | 59 | 01:31:19 | Perfect |
ASV1471 | 2010-09-25 | Patrick Johnson | KPHX | KORD | 146 | 03:04:58 | Perfect |
ASV3166 | 2010-09-25 | Aleksandar Nikolic | KDEN | KSAN | 60 | 02:10:50 | Very poor |
ASV5465 | 2010-09-25 | Daniel Woltemath | LSZH | LGTS | 154 | 02:07:43 | Perfect |
ASV3180 | 2010-09-25 | Patrick Duff | KDEN | KTUS | 61 | 01:56:25 | Perfect |
ASV3847 | 2010-09-25 | Aleksandar Nikolic | KSTL | KDEN | 60 | 02:27:47 | Perfect |
ASV1208 | 2010-09-25 | Richard Baker | KMCO | KMIA | 228 | 00:54:17 | Perfect |
ASV5464 | 2010-09-25 | Daniel Woltemath | LGTS | LSZH | 141 | 02:04:39 | Perfect |
ASV3306 | 2010-09-25 | Aleksandar Nikolic | KEWR | KSTL | 66 | 02:25:33 | Perfect |
ASV1209 | 2010-09-25 | Richard Baker | KMIA | KMCO | 180 | 01:00:44 | Perfect |
ASV1474 | 2010-09-24 | Richard Baker | KORD | KMIA | 145 | 02:33:59 | Perfect |
ASV4973 | 2010-09-25 | Lurch Adams | CYUL | KBOS | 0 | 01:05:50 | Perfect |
ASV3325 | 2010-09-25 | Jay Soaf | EGLL | EDDT | 88 | 02:05:15 | Perfect |
ASV5463 | 2010-09-25 | Daniel Woltemath | UUEE | LGTS | 143 | 02:57:55 | Perfect |
ASV3344 | 2010-09-25 | Jay Soaf | EGPF | EGLL | 86 | 01:08:01 | Perfect |
ASV3603 | 2010-09-24 | Aleksandar Nikolic | KBOS | KEWR | 46 | 00:38:03 | Horrible |
ASV4972 | 2010-09-24 | Lurch Adams | KBOS | CYUL | 0 | 01:24:27 | Perfect |
ASV3700 | 2010-09-24 | Aleksandar Nikolic | KPIT | KBOS | 40 | 01:13:11 | Perfect |
ASV3343 | 2010-09-24 | Jay Soaf | EGBB | EGPF | 85 | 01:00:26 | Perfect |
ASV3698 | 2010-09-24 | Aleksandar Nikolic | KEWR | KPIT | 46 | 00:58:05 | Perfect |
ASV1226 | 2010-09-24 | Richard Baker | KEWR | KORD | 179 | 02:02:31 | Perfect |
Top 10 pilots (pax) | Top 10 pilots (hours) | ||
Cliff Hubbard | 1103354 | Cliff Hubbard | 22320.7 |
Dinko Avramov | 529357 | Dinko Avramov | 10249.3 |
Jay Kae | 375711 | Jay Kae | 10084.1 |
David Ferguson | 218709 | Florian Meiler | 7605 |
Florian Meiler | 207890 | David Ferguson | 7487.1 |
Richard Baker | 191218 | Kruger Coetzee | 4901.3 |
Robert Douglas | 162463 | Richard Baker | 4891.4 |
Kruger Coetzee | 143181 | Robert Douglas | 3304.3 |
Sean Jones | 96623 | Steve Foulke | 3177.8 |
Steve Foulke | 93466 | Scott Clifford | 2407 |
Top 10 pilots of the month (pax) | Top 10 pilots of the month (hours) | ||
Cliff Hubbard | 517 | Cliff Hubbard | 15.7 |
Florian Meiler | 0 | Florian Meiler | 8.2 |
Jay Kae | 375711 | Jay Kae | 10084.1 |
David Ferguson | 218709 | Florian Meiler | 7605 |
Florian Meiler | 207890 | David Ferguson | 7487.1 |
Richard Baker | 191218 | Kruger Coetzee | 4901.3 |
Robert Douglas | 162463 | Richard Baker | 4891.4 |
Kruger Coetzee | 143181 | Robert Douglas | 3304.3 |
Sean Jones | 96623 | Steve Foulke | 3177.8 |
Steve Foulke | 93466 | Scott Clifford | 2407 |