Atlantic Sun Airways :: FSPassengers Statistics
Flight Id: ASV4098    Flight Date: 2008-08-11    Pilot: Matej Sagmeister
Aircraft Name: Atlantic Sun Airways MD83 (Flight1)
Aircraft Type: MEJ
Departure: LFPG - Charles De Gaulle - France
Arrival: ENGM - Oslo Gardermoen - Norway
Departure Time: 12:48:00(10:49:00 GMT)
Arrival Time: 14:55:00(12:55:00 GMT)
Passengers: 102
Cargo: 10017 lbs
Flight Result: Perfect
Take-Off Weight: 134085 lbs
Landing Weight: 117768 lbs
Take-Off fuel: 27385 lbs
Landing Fuel: 10459 lbs
TotalBlockTime: 02:05:59
TotalBlockTimeNight: 00:00:00
TotalAirbornTime: 01:53:57
TotalTimeOnGround: 00:18:23
MaxAltitude: 31108ft
LandingSpeed: 116 kt
LandingPitch: 3.56"
TouchDownVertSpeedFt: -163.85ft/mn
CaptainSentMayday: 0
CrashFlag: 0
PassengersOpinion: 100%
PassengersOpinionText: -Are pleased to have landed right on schedule.
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
FailureText: One engine developed a problem, at first only a slight loss of power was noticeable with oil temperature rising The solution in such cases can be to lower the power slightly down to the point where the oil temperature stabilizes,however this was not done resulting in complete engine failure.
Pilot Bonus: 780
PilotBonusText: You made a very nice landing. (+50)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
Precise arrival time at destination.(-00h06:00 difference) (+100)
A serious problem occurred during flight but you landed safely, nice job. (+600)
Pilot Penality: 650
PilotPenalityText: You had a serious failure aboard and you forgot to call a mayday. (-350)
Forgetting to set the proper flaps during take-off is an extremely dangerous fault and does not show proper piloting skills. (-300)